We made the butter spreader because the little kids were crying incessantly after they tore their toast while spreading cold butter. We designed a flask because a family member had balancing issues plus a convenient place to store his pills on the go. The scoop came into being because wrists were hurting after an ice cream social.
Starting with one accidental product to stop kids from crying, our little brand has been growing by solving problems that bugs each of us personally. While we did eventually moved out of a modest garage in Seattle, Washington, we still humbly retain our core philosophy to this very day.
Our goal, our mission, our obsession is to create new tools to make life just a little bit easier. Everything we create, we start literally from blank sheets of copy paper and pencil. We combine science, sound engineering practices, advanced materials and we create and patented tools that you cannot find elsewhere. Some of these innovations are admittedly niche and personal to us, but if we can REALLY improve the life of one person, we will be content with that.
We challenge you to pick up one of our butter knives without wanting to find a block of butter to try it on. That's the true test of a good tool – it just begs to be used. It's the feeling we aim for in every product we make, and it's how we engineer tools for a smarter kitchen, and beyond!
Reddot Design Award
The Red Dot Award is one of the top international awards for outstanding product design that must be aesthetically appealing, functional, and innovative above all. We have won twice out of three tries since 2015, most recently for our ScoopTHAT Radii ice cream scoop.
iF Design Award
Since 1953, the iF Design Award is recognized as one of the world's most prestigious awards. This logo is a badge of quality, functionality, exceptional design and sustainability. Of the 3 iF awards we've received, we're actually most proud of our packaging award that mimics the 1930's manila envelope button and string closure on 100% recycled, multi-layered brown cardboard with a cut-out for our first generation defroster board.
Good Design Award
Also known as the "G-mark", the Good Design Award is the largest Asian design award founded in 1957 by the Japan Institute of Design Promotion, and reflects Japanese design values and principles that aim to enrich lives, industries and society. We have two G-mark awards since our Founding Year 2014, with our most recent award going to the HeatTHAT! Sake set.
gia Excellence in Product Design
For 20 years, the IHA Global Innovation Award is a peer-reviewed award that honors exhibitors' latest creations and cutting-edge innovations at the Chicago Housewares show. The Chicago show is one of two largest annual tradeshows in the world, and we have been fortunate to have won 7 awards out of 11 Finalists including the Best Product Series Global Honoree. Our most recent Gia award winner are double-winners the HeatTHAT Tea and the ScoopTHAT Deluxe!